"If at age 20 you are a conservative then you have no heart. If at age 30 you are a liberal then you have no brains."
Sir Winston Churchill

Obama obviously knows very little about economics, specifically that "Society stagnates when independent productive achievers begin to be socially demonized and even punished for their accomplishments." This dilemma fogs Obama's reality. To him, accepting this truth is a "false choice", his answer to things he doesn't understand. And by the way... where is John Galt?

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Barack  Obama took a far worse "shellacking" on Tuesday November 4th 2014 than he had in 2010 but you would never know it to hear him talk about it a day later.
Repudiated by his own party for a year, the GOP wave rolled in and all he really had to say in effect was that none of it was about him.  Apparently in his imagination the two thirds of the electorate who stayed home were still his voters and there fore he was still master of the universe. 
The Republican drubbing was both wide and deep and included a majority in the U.S. Senate, a gain of 14 seats in the House, 60% of all the Governorships and an increase in control of state legislatures from 60 to 69.  The people were more than angry ...they have had enough!.
Charles Krauthammer sagely opined that Obama would not offer an olive branch to the GOP because that would weaken his intention and need to be relevant once again.  Thus he threw down the gauntlet of a unilateral fiat by executive decree for millions of illegal aliens to be given amnesty while open borders would in all probability remain open out of political need for a weakened party.
Then he doubled and tripled down by the disclosure of a new secret letter to the Ayatollah Khamenei for military support against ISIS in return for alleviating sanctions  and guarantees  that Iran could continue to enrich as long as they would "promise" not to become a nuclear military power.  Next he decided to try a Russian born Taliban POW in a U.S. Federal Court as a trial balloon designed  to finally shut down Gitmo and transfer all remaining POWs to Super Max facilities in the U.S..


"Ah ! well a-day ! what evil looks
Had I from old and young !
Instead of the cross, the Albatross
About my neck was hung."
Samuel Taylor Coleridge  "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"

Barack Obama may have been too cute for words with his Executive Action on Immigration timed to be in sync with the Latin Grammy's.  His pandering like his lying simply knows no bounds.  Even if you believe that he had some uber prosecutorial discretion for not deporting millions of illegal foreign nationals, he did not have any constitutional authority to grant them Work Authorization Permits and Social Security Cards which despite his protestations to the contrary are the gateway to almost every Federal benefit.  Besides if you are still one of the dwindling few who still believe this man please buy one of my bridges in NYC!
This was a callous and ultimately cruel act of political trickery disguised as compassion to avoid the ripping apart of the families of the "Dreamers"  he created  in 2012 through DACA.  His prosecutorial discretion or amnesty or whatever you may want to call it however is not tied to any Immigration Law passed by Congress.
It is ironic that and disingenuous that Obama and his supporters of his illegal overreach want to justify it by saying the Senate passed a bi-partisan comprehensive bill in 2013 that the House refused to pass and thus the President now gets to make law on his own.
According to a detailed Heritage Foundation analysis, the so called "Gang of 8" bill was a seriously flawed bill that granted amnesty and path to citizenship to 11.5 million illegal foreign nationals and authorized billions of dollars of spending without the guarantee of a secure border.  The cost to the taxpayers would have been trillions of dollars which would have increased both spending and the debt enormously because of the huge dependency on government it would have engendered.  The already bloated Federal bureaucracy would have become morbidly obese.  Hidden in the bill was also tons of pork and sweeping new powers for DHS which is turning  into this administration's  version of a secret police.
 On a moral basis more than 4 million people are waiting in line to come here legally.  They are paying outrageous fees for forms and verification documents and doing everything by the book yet Washington just doesn't seem to give a damn about them.  Last but not least the bill disregarded federalism by not bringing the States into the process.  
The fact that supporters of amnesty keep harping on this bill is supposed to make the public forget that the House passed over 370 bills many with bi-partisan support or even Democratic sponsorship, that Harry Reid refused to let see the light of day as per his instructions from Obama.  What Chutzpa!
As he tugged at the heartstrings of America  which even included the invocation of scripture, he even lied about the "record" number of deportations his administration had performed which is a fiction since he has included people caught at the border and sent back immediately.  No other administration has done this because of the obvious fraud it creates statistically.


“Is this the curse of modernity, to live in a world without judgment, without perspective, no context for understanding or distinguishing what is real and what is imagined, what is manipulated and what is by chance beautiful, what is shadow and what is flesh?
The new alternative culture is in reality the old traditional culture.  The Progressives who were once  Fascists and Communists, have taken what once was commonly shared and historic morality, values, rights and common sense and made them political .  Once they have been repositioned as such, they have been attacked, compromised, made immoral and then destroyed. 
Mark Steyn makes perhaps the most salient point of the of our current political situation when he states "you can't have conservative government in a liberal culture".  Steyn is not alone in understanding that culture drives politics and not the other way around.  That's why the hard left has invested so much time and effort in the subjugation of the arts, the media and the academy. 
These are the gaps in the lines where the progressive invasion have attacked and laid waste to  traditional  America even as the census numbers still reflect a center-right majority.  The thrust of the progressive cultural putsch has been to dismiss and demean the traditional  values of "old" America such as patriotism, free speech, a free press,  religious rights, the nuclear family, the melting pot, the sanctity of unalienable individual rights, rugged individualism, American  exceptionalism, a free market system, respect for the law, the military and the flag, sobriety, chastity, the second amendment,  equal opportunity not equal outcomes, and national unity when foreign affairs and national defense takes us to the waters edge.